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Home decor

Shopping Online for Madhubani Art

A guest from US couldn’t help staring at the Madhubani paintings we had put up in our living. He bombarded me with questions about the art and I felt like a fool when I could not answer his questions except that I said it’s a kind of tribal art. Of […]

Home decor

Advertorial Guest Post: The Colors of India

Today’s guest post is from Susi, a writer for Arcadian Lighting, a great resource for beautiful light fixtures. When we think of India we think of a riot of colors: bright saris, pastel buildings, flowers, and ceremonial painted cows. India does not hold back when it comes to color and […]

Home decor

Art that Smells Divine!

Coffee Art – Smells Divine! I met Indu Harikumar, a very talented and versatile artist online when I was doing some work related research. She works as a children’s writer, illustrator, and a craft teacher and blogs at conversationcompiler. Believe me, I was completely bowled over when I saw the […]

Home decor

Home Tour: ‘Shanthi Kutir’ in Norway

Those of you who got the hint here, and those of you who put Shanthi and Norway together from the title of this post, you are right! We are peeking into “Shanthi Kutir”, Shanthi Nagothu’s home in Norway today. Yes, the same Shanthi of home Shanthi home fame! 🙂 You […]

Home decor

Spring decor Inspiration Part 1

Spring If spring lasted foreverI’d get out of bed wheneverCause school would not existNo winters in December& snow I wouldn’t miss If spring lasted foreverI’d have no worries of sortsbecause worries are for seasons& Spring is love for short If spring lasted forever ‘I might add more’ – James Meaney […]