Tag: home decor

Home decor

Contemporary-chic home style from India Circus

Recently, I have been spending a lot of time on Krsna Mehta’s India Circus – http://indiacircus.com/ – a website that is sure to keep you occupied for a whole afternoon with Mehta’s trademark and unmatchable style stamped over every product! What I love most about this designer is that the […]

Home decor

Wordless Wednesdays: Cool Online Finds

Pepperfry.com – Painted Box – can’t believe it’s MDF! PureHomeDecor.com – Color Mania – Rugs and Ottomans (Ottomen?) 😉 KingsChest.com – Mukul Goyal Wijo cable Organisers FabFurnish.com – KH India Coconut Spoon Set of Eight Zansaar.com – Mason Cash (finally in India!) 🙂   About Wordless Wednesdays: Cool Online Finds […]

Home decor

Advertorial Guest Post: The Colors of India

Today’s guest post is from Susi, a writer for Arcadian Lighting, a great resource for beautiful light fixtures. When we think of India we think of a riot of colors: bright saris, pastel buildings, flowers, and ceremonial painted cows. India does not hold back when it comes to color and […]