Search Results for "wall "

Home decor

The numbers tag

Patricia from ColoursDekor tagged me with this numbers tag, and I have procrastinated long enough. With my work load finally getting a lot lighter, here I am getting down it, and I have to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed putting this together! Of course, I am not as good […]

Home decor

DIY: Jonathan Fong Style

Recession seems to be the most discussed topic these days. While the R word is affecting each one of us in some way or the other, it shouldn’t deter you from trying new décor ideas. I stumbled upon this site which gives wonderful décor ideas using things that you find […]

Home decor

Book Review and Feature: Decorating Asia

If you wish to decorate your home in the Asian style, this is the book for you. It goes beyond the usual gaudy, much-hyped Asian themes, and presents ideas to recreate an original Asian feel. Tips include the right colors, the right curios to pick up on Asian trips, and […]

Home decor

House Tour: The Sridharans’ home in Pune

There’s nothing more appealing than a home put together with a careful eye for antiques, beautiful finds, items from one’s past, as well as a shock element courtesy some contemporary furniture. Pune-based Sridharan and Vidya’s home is one such. Housed in an apartment, the limited space does nothing to dampen […]