A cozy family corner

Yes people, I am back and it is great to be back blogging! A new job profile and family engagements kept me away!

September has been a beautiful month, hasn’t it? Apart from the blogversary, it’s also been birthday month in our family, and it’s been quite the month for calling up people, wishing them, and then spending a bit of time catching up with them!
Well, I am rambling I think. 
I will be back soon with lots of posts, but until then, here’s a pic of a cozy corner in my home. This is where the family unwinds at the end of the day. The corner of the 3-seater is where you will oft find me working on my to-do-lists, catching up on my reading, or talking to friendly neighbors when they pop in.
The better half usually occupies well, the better half of the 3 seater (or so he thinks!) as he catches the 9 pm news! The little one is usually on the rug with her coloring books, watching tele or chatting to her grandparents. You can see her cards on the rug there. I clicked the pic as-is, so excuse me for not tidying up. The dent in the cushion tells you where I rest my tired back at the end of the day!:)

The blank walls? 🙁 something that needs immediate attention, but I am sooo undecided and think it’s best to wait until the fog clears!:)
 Linking this post to Patty’s Cozy Corners September and Once Upon a Tea Time’s Show and Tell

Don’t forget to participate in our Anniversary Giveaway in collaboration with Clean Planet!


  1. Such a sweet, comfy space. i like the dent in the cushion! and all the colors…….:)

  2. Sharon … this is lovely.. I like the warli… lantern.. and little bucket I see..

    Also… dont worry about the blank walls.. I see some yellow colours.. on the wall!!! Mine are bare… white.. absolutely white!!! Sharon.. thanks so much for linking in!!

  3. very cozy corner Sharon. love the warli and how you have placed it on the floor. neat.

  4. I like that lantern! And the Warli on the floor.

  5. whats not to love about this cozy spot…:)…the tiny bucket and the brass pot are lovely…so is everything else..

  6. Sharon…so nice to "meet" you! I love your cozy corner. Our family moved recently, and just TONIGHT I finished setting up my own cozy corner.

    Have a wonderful week!

  7. I am waiting for us to have coffee over that cozy corner 😉

  8. Thanks for the comment!
    CUTE living room! 🙂

  9. I love that you took the pic just as it was! Makes your corner really alive & cozy..doesn't it! I love that you keep moving your stuff around..blue lantern ..wink wink..n how gorgeous is that circular cushion!