Festive Art: Candle decor for X’mas

egg shaped candles decoration for x'mas

First off, the Mumbai terrorist attacks have saddened all us Indians and I am sure all you readers from across the globe too. It was such a gloomy day watching the news networks, and I almost didn’t feel like posting this one.

On to the post. Here’s a great way to keep your kids occupied, and get them to do some beautiful candle decorations for your home, this holiday season. When we were kids, my grandmother used to get us to do these egg-shaped candles when we were bored. Because of frequent power cuts on her coffee estate in the Western Ghats, there always were leftover bits of candles in the house, and it used to be such fun hunting for them, and making these candle decorations.

Make your egg-shaped candles
First of all, you will need to make the egg-shaped candles. This is how you do it. Make a small hole in an egg, and empty the contents. When it is completely drained, it is ready for the project. Don’t worry about the sticky eggy residue.

how to make egg shaped candles

Then melt wax and pour it into the shell, or use a fountain pen filler to pour warm wax into the tiny hole. Make sure the wax is not too hot.

For the wick, you can use a thick cotton thread. Just place it into the hole as soon as you have filled in the wax. Now keep the egg shell in cold water until it is cool.

how to make egg shaped candles

Break the egg shell, and you have your beautiful egg shaped candle. Use different colored wax to make colorful candles. You can also make layered ones by alternating with different colors.

the beautiful egg shaped candle

Decorate your candles
We used to melt additional wax in different colors and stick them on to the candles when they were still warm, to decorate them. However, this can be quite time consuming, and there is an easier way out 🙂 . Use the candle decorating kit from The Hearthsong. It comes with waxes and pens. All you have to do is let your imagination run amok, and dream up your designs to create your own beautifully decorated set of egg shaped candles.

egg shaped candles decor for christmas

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  1. Sharon, came here from Flickr. Saw your message there. Your site, and your work is very very interesting. I will keep coming back for more!!

  2. Thanks, this seems just the thing to keep my kids busy. The older ones can supervise the younger ones :)…not that I have that many kids, their cousins will be around for the holidays too. Nice stuff!

  3. Sharon…I was sooo saddened by what happened in Mumbai. Know so many of us our thinking of you and your country.

    The eggs are a sweet and colorful resite from the news…great idea!

    Thank you for visiting my blog!

  4. Thank you Briget and Anon for taking the time out to write your comments. Anon, let me know how they turn out:)

    – Sharon

  5. Linda, thank you. We are just glad the ordeal is over, and really sorry that we lost so many guests to our country, as well as our own citizens. It was such a senseless, unproductive happening.

    – Sharon

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