Just when we had thought that yellow was passé, over-used, and done with, Asian Paints Colour Next team has surprised us with a yellow hued colour of the year. Yet, I am secretly happy – here is a colour that is so versatile, and can look beautifully both outdoors and indoors – on walls and upholstery, on accessories and furniture! Passion Flower – the name is confusing because Passion Flowers are purple, but the Passion Fruit is yellow – and in a close enough shade to the colour of the year!

But, what’s in a name? The exact code of this shade on the Asian Paints colour catalogue is X107 and you can download the PDF with more information here.
Even though this does look like the ColourNext team didn’t do too much work; it looks like a last minute, play safe kind of choice, but nevertheless, it was a good choice. The yellow soaked in browns is a delightful colour on its own, and accompanied by other colours.
How to use this colour

Wall paints are my first choice for this colour, particularly because they make anything set against that wall look good. While we are on the topic of wall paints, my current fascination is half painted walls – paint a portion of the wall one colour and the other another, especially horizontal breaks and not vertical. In fact, I am doing up my son’s room with a two part wall – it reminds me of the old days when the lower part of the wall was a darker shade and the upper part a neutral for practical reasons. However, for me it is going to primarily an aesthetic reason – and I can’t wait to start work on it next week!

A ceiling painted in this colour, against grey lime finish walls will look oh so stunning! The image below is similar to what I want, but not 100%. If anyone wants to explore this idea for their home, kindly get in touch. I can’t wait to try it with the texture and finish I have in mind.

You can also accessorise with it. The following ideas are from images from Shweta and Harshad’s Ethnic-Global Style home in Arizona featured on this blog in 2016.

This image by my Instagram friend Honey Aulakh, also shows quite an apt use of the colour for upholstery. You can follow her lovely home decor posts on Inta @honeyaulakh9

Here are some more images

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