A beautiful terracotta tiled entrance is a raaga in wood, clay and brass, with beautiful landscaping the background flute music enveloping the composition. And during Diwali, it looks even better, with a beautiful urli holding pink flowers, that look Oh! so welcoming.

Welcome to Jayalakshmy Krishna’s Bengaluru home!

The rangoli outside the front door is omnipresent in different avataras, no matter what season. Jayalakshmy says, “My mom and grandmom were very good with Rangolis. All the decor that I do is self taught… I was always fascinated by my country’s rich handicrafts.”

The living room is a dream of festive accents. Wood, flowers and brass come together beautifully, and I especially love the blue contrasts that add a huge dose of oomph to this diwali palette!

It’s these little touches that Jayalakshmi uses to make her decor stand out. An old pallanguzhi board is decked up with diyas and flowers for an interesting vignette!

Rather than group these images in order of area, or space, we have just decided to let the randomly flow back and forth between entryway and living, making one feel that they are flitting in and out of this beautiful home!

The pretty and healthy garden impresses with its accessories and healthy green leaves.

Where does Jayalakshmy shop for her decor? She says, “I never specifically shop for any occasion…my eyes are always on the look out for exhibitions…and whenever I travel I pick up something…unique to that region. For me Diwali decor is elaborate Rangolis, lots of flowers and lights (I prefer diyas and candles)”

Well said dear Jakes and I am so glad you shared your beautiful home with our readers!

The pictures featured here are now on our Pinterest board. Follow this link so you can simply repin the images from this board!

Do have a look at ALL our Diwali inspiration from this year and the years before, Click here
Check out these amazingĀ brass diyas, just so perfect for the festivities.