Give Old Bottles a Makeover – Glitterally!

glitter bottle

I was looking for some DIY summer projects for my daughter on Pinterest and found some cool recycled glitter bottles. I pinned some of these images on my Pinterest board.
Take a look at these images and try one for yourself.

DIY makeover the old bottle

These are really easy to create – you can transform old wine bottles or ketchup bottles into chic vases in a day.

bottles or ketchup
bottles into vases

Get hold of some spray paint, glue and glitter and you are all set to start.

wine bottle makeover

You can paint the bottle partially or go all the way….

spray painted white vase

Of course, you don’t have to limit yourself to shiny colors, I love this cool spray painted white vase with epsom salt glued all over.

Want to give this DIY a try? Do let us know if you try it.

Image Source: Pinterest


  1. I love the first ones. But of course, I'm a total sucker for anything gold!

  2. These are lovely, totally do-able!

  3. I so love the first one…..great ideas.

  4. Cool ideas… I am definitely planning to try this out.. Love the lettered gold bottles.

  5. Lovely ideas… 🙂 I'll give this a go too…

  6. Epsom Salts who wold of thought I,m a floral designer totally wowed gonna try it for sure

  7. How do you get your Epsom salt to stay on your bottles??

  8. I love the white ones.

  9. Do you have instructions such as do you spray the outside and how do you place the Epson salt on with glue?

  10. do you have any hints on how to spray the inside of the bottle?