5 Lovely Decor Products that Caught my Eye this Week

I am back with your favorite series. So let’s check out the 5 products that caught my eye this week!

1. Turquoise decanters from CAC

turquoise bottles

Contemporary Arts and Crafts have delightful products on their site. They also have a September sale on, and these turquoise decanters are on sale! I am crushing over several products on their site, but since I have to focus on one product, I choose these gorgeous decanters. I know you want them too!


2. Handmade India geometric lampshade

Handmade India geometric lampshade

This Mumbai-based brick and mortar store has some very beautiful, decor products for contemporary Indian homes.

I think geometric-lanterns are all the rage now, and I have in fact bookmarked these, and hope to visit this store when I visit Mumbai next.


3. ArtnLight Tablemats

ArtnLight Tablemats

Vineeta Nair of the ArtnLight brand has just introduced tablemats to her product line, and this is so welcome! You see, us Indians need tablemats – they are a necessity more than a table accessory. But good designs are hard to come by. Vineeta’s postcard and country crest series has a lovely global feel, and you might be interested in checking them out!


4. Antique silver tray from Shop at My Dream Canvas

Antique silver tray - festive collection

Anuradha Verma’s online curated store which she runs as an addendum to her blog, is back with an all-new festival collection. This silver-plated antique-finish round tray is so pretty and versatile!


5. DIY Animal Heads and Horns by Panache

deer head, diy

Animal heads and horns? Did I scare you with that sub-title? 🙂 I have been crushing over animal heads and horns (both real and faux taxidermy ones) for the longest time! Short of visiting a butcher, I have looked everywhere, but I am still not close to owning one. However, this do-it-yourself kit by Panache is being sold in several online stores, and it is interesting. I just might buy it. Can you imagine it painted a creamy lemon and hung on a bronze wall? I can! 🙂 And if you are crushing on these gory decor elements too, follow the link below to my Pinterest inspiration board on Skulls and horns!


Follow The Keybunch’s board Skull and Horns on Pinterest.

What caught your attention this week? Mail me product suggestions for this series.

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