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Says Kanupriya, “I was thinking of all the things girls love, and how I could put them to use and come out with a product that any girl would want. I started with buying little trinkets and things girls like, such as pearls, hair accessories, diamond crystals and other small knick knacks picked up from anywhere and everywhere. Finally when I had collected enough things, I would spend all day arranging and rearranging things on mirror frame, to finally settle on what I liked and made a prototype.
When she showed the prototype to her clients, a mother-daughter duo, they loved it. From there on, she started on newer designs and started selling her products under the brand name Studio Blaq.

Kanupriya told The Keybunch, “My inspiration majorly comes from everyday things and places I visit. It’s usually something as simple as sand or something as complicated as a machine and its parts that might inspire my designs. It’s just what clicks at that point in time.”

Kanupriya also has some antique-inspired mirror frames in vivid colors (see image below), but I personally think that they have become quite ubiquitous of late!

Her bauble-studded mirror frames however, are a work of genius – and every young girl would love to have one of these in her room! And for that extra bit of love, all her bauble mirrors come with a goodybag in case you want to add a few knick knacks on your own! How cool!
Now’s the best part! You, as a TKB reader, will get a 10% discount on Studio Blaq, for purchases made between July 15th and Aug 15th via their Facebook page! Just let them know that you are Keybunch reader when you place your order! 🙂
To know more, visit StudioBlaq on Facebook here.
Interestingly, a couple of Accessorize stores in Mumbai have large oval mirrors decorated with mixed baubles – just like the first one featured here. Wonder if those are Kanupriya's creations?
See here: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/p480x480/970975_522926351097337_1263789441_n.jpg
and here: http://lh3.ggpht.com/-W4UqXS78ol8/T42cOPaVZNI/AAAAAAAAYAI/zSYATa5YQuU/Accessorize%252520Mirror_thumb%25255B9%25255D.jpg?imgmax=800
Thanks for sharing these J! could you please give me the link to the site too? these are just image links.
I have asked Kanupriya to respond to your comments, and I hope she does!
Incidentally I have faced such a query before, Which is when I got know that one of my mirror creations does look similar to a mirror in Accessorize Mumbai. However, that is not my creation, and all that you see on Studio Blaq (https://www.facebook.com/Studioblaq)are my designs.
Hope this post helps.
@Kanupriya- Thanks for replying. Some coincidence, that.
@Sharon- This is the global website: http://uk.accessorize.com/
And the India page on FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Accessorize-India/128336380534059
PS: I like the stuff at Accessorize.