Neha is one reader who participates in our carnivals with excitement. With just one day left to end the carnival, she sent us her entry for the Cook’s Nook just in time.
Here’s what Neha had to say: Hi, I’m joining the October Blog carnival-Its the cook’s nook. I know i’m very late….;((sorry!), but better late than never. (Well, you are definitely not late, Neha :))

A view of my kitchen from the eating nook
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity. Looking forward to more of such fun-filled parties….:)
– Neha
Thank you Neha, I am sure we’ll come up with exciting themes for the upcoming carnivals. The November carnival of course has no guesses, It’s time for the ‘Diwali Mela’…get ready folks!
Lovely kitchen Neha. I love your blue ladle..its a beauty!
Scrupulously neat!!!! Simple and Elegant kitchen
Beautiful kitchen with a pleasant atmosphere..
That's a beautiful windmill, Neha… Love ur spotless and clutter-free kitchen !
I love her spoon rest! and that copper kettle! Such a pretty space!
its such neat and cute nook…btw am i too late sendng in my pics??
windmill is too cute,.
Thankyou everyone…I am totally honored.
Thanks Purplehomes. I have to tell you that I'm a big fan of your blog and follow it regularly.
The blue spoon rest is a recent addition to my kitchen, a gift from my sister from her recent trip to Spain.
wht a neat kitchen!!love tht windmill..have got one too!!:)
oh my!! the magnet board is gorgeous.. to die for!!